Top 4 Games in This Week

Dark Riddle Game Play Online For Free

Welcome to a new fabulous story that is designed in the style of the popular Hello Neighbor series. If you love nerve-wracking games where you need to be continuously on the alert, it is the right entertainment for you! So what is it all about? You will have a neighbor who seems more than suspicious. Are you ready to investigate what exactly is wrong with this character? Then let’s get started!

A little plot intro

Events unfold in the house that your hero just moved into. Everything seems great until a strange person that lives across the street attracted your attention. He definitely hides something. How to get more information? This weird person does not seem to leave his place even for an hour. But curiosity does not allow the hero to sit still. You will have to sneak into his house and find out. It is not going to be easy or safe. You will have to solve multiple riddles to unlock every room and gather all the parts of the puzzle. Do not think your opponent is happy about your intrusion. He is mad to find out that someone is going to reveal his secrets. The antagonist will set up traps, various sensors and cameras. So you will have to deal with all possible obstacles that are aimed to interrupt your investigation at all costs. Are you really determined to learn what is hidden in this malicious place? Then nothing will be able to stop you.

How to play

You will have to risk a lot in this virtual thriller. You will enter the house full of fatal dangers. Luckily, you will have a map that can show you the whereabouts of your enemy at any moment. It will give you time to run at a safe distance to avoid meeting with the villain. However, as you move on, you will meet a lot of security robots. They will work for your opponent and will immediately report your position to their boss. So it is better to avoid them. Otherwise, these creatures are harmless. You will find two guns at a certain point of the game – make sure to look for batteries for these. You will be able to use this weapon to stun your enemy for some time and escape. There are also other boosters in this entertainment that will increase your chances to win this uneven confrontation. Apples are one of these – you will see a lot of them scattered around. Collect them all to stun your pursuers for sever seconds. You can also use apples to break windows and much more. Do not forget to control the map. Once you get into a trap, it will immediately produce a sound that will attract the antagonist. Whenever the evil neighbor knows where you are, the map will be flashing. If you still cannot avoid the fatal meeting, you still can escape the death. How to do it? You can pay 25 apples for another life. It is going to be a cool adventure! And if you say you are fine with it, try the insane mod! You will enjoy it!

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